Sunday, November 20, 2005

Well Nate will finally have his port removed Monday morning, bright and early! He had a chest x-ray and ultrasound on Thursday and everything looked great. Praise the Lord!! I apologize for the lack of blogs lately. I am not the most computer savvy person, so I have clicked on every link possible to figure out how this works for me to post. I thought I did a post correct last week, but it is not here anymore, so I do not know what I am doing. Hopefully I have it figured out. I realize it is not rocket-science!!
Nate is doing so great. He is learning more and more each day. He now shakes his head yes to everything we ask him. So I always ask him," do you love mommy"? And he looks so sincere and shakes his head "yes." It does wonders for your heart! What a blessing he is to us and we do not take one day for granted. Continue to lift Nate up to the Lord. We have so much to be thankful for and I want to let you know how thankful we are to you all as you have carried us through by your prayers. What a blessing and encouragement you have been to our family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Nathan, Sarah, and Nate